Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Zoo

Today is about uncontrolled chaos, otherwise known as 8th Grade Advisory.  I love my students more than they will every know but I can't get across to them the importance of proper time management.  I will say I do have about half the class actually doing homework & studying & the rest are blowing off steam by designing creative games to play since they are not allowed to use electronic devices.

Having said that- it really does show their creativity that they do come up with weird games to amuse themselves.  I'd love for them to channel that energy into reading in advance of whatever their assignments are...but then I was their age once too and there was no way I would have done that.  So I understand.

And a certain PF wants me to say that he is amazing.  So there, I said it....I'm not saying it's TRUE, but I said it!  😉

Enough of my chilins, they are crazy, insane but also have hearts of gold!  Ahhh, to be young again (& think you know everything about everything!!!)!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Ties that Bind

This is my favorite tea cup, it was my maternal Grandmother's cup & now that she's passed on it's mine.  I love drinking my tea from it b/c it reminds me of her & helps to keep all those wonderful memories alive.

The other day I text this picture to my Mom.  She replied back that she actually bought that cup for her Mom when she was a little girl!!  She said she & her sister would save up money from babysitting (back when 7-8 yr olds were considered old enough to do so!) and go buy these tea cups for their Mom.  Bone China made in England.

So now I have even stronger ties to this cup!  Which probably just ensured I'll accidentally drop/break it in the next week or two!!!  😉

On another topic, I still have yet to fully completely put my home office together.  It's a good 80% done but it;s just so so easy to simply walk past the room and look the other way, sit on the couch & enjoy watching too much TV or my Kindle!  Luckily two of my students keep asking me if the office is finished yet.  Catholic guilt sets in (not for too long it seems) and I say, "No, not yet."  However I asked them today to keep asking me about it so that the Catholic guilt really starts to add up and I get my bum in gear and get the job done!!!!  Yay to positive peer pressure!!!

It's Thursday, so Happy Friday Eve everyone!


Saturday, March 31, 2018

Tea, Easter & New Friends! Just oodles of random thoughts & images!

This is my latest find in teas!  I really enjoy it which I suspect means my students will drink my whole case of it before I get more than 3-4 tea bags for myself!  😊😊.  A small price to pay for building relationships!

Tonight is the Easter Vigil, when we celebrate & welcome new members fully into the Catholic faith as we rejoice that Christ has Risen!  This is the most important & most spectacular liturgy of the church year!  If you haven't been to one, I highly recommend it!

A good friend of mine gave me the orchid below.  It’s so beautiful and makes me think of Easter & Spring.  Of course, I tend to have a black thumb.  You know, the opposite of those who have green thumbs and can make anything grow.  I have the Thumb of Death.  So... I decided to bring in some additional support.  I ordered some orchid food sticks, which will hopefully give me the upper hand (or thumb as it were!)

So let’s hope I can not only keep this alive but help it to bloom more than once!  Any advice would be greatly appreciated! (Just comment as “anonymous” )

These are two lovely ladies who are on the Activities Committee with me in the new apartment complex I live in.  I had them over for tea this past Wednesday night and we had a lot of fun getting to know each other & our cultures.  Interesting to me is that both had arranged marriages and they’ve worked out wonderfully.  It’s such a difficult concept for me to wrap my head around.  Both are dying to set me up...so they can go to an “American” wedding!  Hahahaha!  I keep trying to tell them I’m very happy single, thank you very much! But I must say I am so enjoying getting to know both of the wonderful souls and learning more about their lives & culture! They've been so kind to me, I can't thank them enough!

And lastly, Tallula has become a lap cat overnight!  I’m certainly not arguing even though I don’t know what brought it on!  She’s just too cute so I had to throw this image in here to wrap things up!  Happy Easter everyone!

Friday, March 23, 2018

Friends & Squirmy Worms!

Good Friday Morning!

This picture is of a Thanksgiving dinner place card from 2 Thanksgivings ago!  I have kept it as a piece of memorabilia of the evening & especially of this family whom are all good friends of mine!  The three children all went through my Scripture class & were involved in our high school Youth Ministry programs.  You bond w/ your kids when gone for a week on a Mission Trip!  Especially when all the females are sleeping on the floor in some other school's classroom for the week!  Their Mom has been a Mission Trip chaperone & now works at my former parish school where we would giggle together & share chocolates!

Why do I bring this up!?!  B/c, although I really like where I now live and the much shorter commute, it has been difficult for me.  I don't make friends easily, I'm pretty anti-social, preferring to stay alone at home w/ a book or any "Law & Order" marathon I can find on TV.  So I've been going through some depression at being so far away from the few good friends I have.  It took me 15 years to open up and make friends.  I was texting my friend ND the one who made the place card & the Mom in this family and she was so sweet!  She & her husband insisted I come over for dinner this past Wednesday!  I did and it was so nice to see familiar faces & get hugs galore!  Plus, the food was superb as always!  Oh, did I mention I got leftovers to take home!?!  Yup, pretty awesome!

I truly am blessed to have such caring souls in my life!

On to the Squirmy Worms!!!

Once classes end today Spring Break starts & I think adult & student alike are more than ready for it!  I feel a part of it is everyone gets a break from the normal routine.  Which I think is a good thing.  We all tend to fear change, but not all change.  It's good to shake things up once in a while!  Plus it's so nice to see everyone excited to spend time with their families!  In a culture of electronic devices, seeing everyone excited to break away and spend time w/ actual human beings is a wonderful thing!

And with that, I bid you adieu!


Friday, March 9, 2018

Learning about other Faith Traditions

This week a number of students, teachers & I went to the North Shore Congregation Israel in Glencoe to learn about our Jewish roots and get a tour of a stunning synagogue.  I think sometimes kids (and some adults too) forget that Jesus was a practicing Jew.  The early church took a lot of its traditions and rituals from Judaism and it was wonderful watching the students realize the similarities and differences between how both worship.

It's a nice reminder that we all have much more in common with each other than we think.  And the differences we have are opportunities for us to learn from each other and reflect on what an amazing Creator we have! 

The apartment complex I now live in has a large Indian population.  I was asked by the administration to be the Activities Director for the complex.  So I work with a group of other volunteers to plan one social event/month.  Most of the ladies I've met are Indian and I've been having a wonderful time getting to know them!  Yet another way to expand my horizons and learn new things!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

3 Cups of Tea

Good Afternoon!

There is a book called Three Cups of Tea.  I believe the full title is: 

Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace - One School at a Time by Greg Mortenson

I believe the gist of the book is how after having three cups of tea w/ another person you've become friends.  Well, there seems to be a sense of camaraderie brewing (pun intended!) with any number of my students!  They have discovered my tower of teas!  Yes that's right, I have so many different teas that I've stacked them as a tower!  I'll try to get a picture in this post if I remember.

They have fun picking out what tea they want to try & I get them hot water.  It's a fun bonding activity & I must say I'm impressed with how many males want to try some tea!  Shame on me for thinking it was a female only phenomenon!

In a sense these students curiosity as promoted peace & solidarity amongst us, and they're only 11-12 yrs old!  Wonders never cease!

Have a terrific rest of your day & if you have a chance, enjoy some nice herbal tea!


Friday, February 16, 2018

What a New post Two Days in a Row!?!?

Good Evening!

Two days in a row!?!  Absolute craziness!  But what the heck, live on the wild side!

I took this morning off to rest up a bit before going into work.  On my way to work I stopped off at a store to pick up a flash drive.  The check-out lady was so cheery, going on about the sunny weather and how happy she is...I was in awe!  It's freezing cold outside, and a million other things on my mind but this woman and her bright disposition made me pause and realize we really should be grateful for everything in life!  She made my day just that much happier!

Oh this is that super fancy tea maker I got the other day!  I'm excited to use it!!!
 OK, Happy Friday everyone- and a 3 day weekend no less!


Thursday, February 15, 2018


Good Evening Everyone!

Well today was the day!  It was a long build up & and even longer day.  Poor Tallula Belle, she had to be in her crate before the movers arrived and then stay in while they packed up all the furniture plus the ride to our new home.  Once we got there/here, I was able to let her out of her crate into the bathroom.  I had it set up w/ a well worn t-shirt on the toilet seat (so it had my scent on it), her water dish & her favorite blanket (that has HER scent on it).  Plus the litter box is in there.  Well after an hour of the movers getting everything in & where it needed to be, plus the Geek Squad setting up the new TV, I finally opened the bathroom door.  As you can see she walked up to me but then retreated to behind the toilet for several hours.  Then she hid under a dresser for another few hours & finally the bed.  She has just now (7:30pm) emerged cautiously.  Such a trooper!!!

I am especially grateful to the Geek Squad gentleman who when couldn’t get any over-the-air channels with the high tech digital antenna I got he tried 2 of his own his in vehicle.  They didn’t work either but it was really nice of him to try!

It will take quite a while to get fully unpacked and everything where I want it but that’s ok.  I have the time & it’s fun to keep my students updated on the progress!!!  One student even got me a house warming gift of a super cool loose leaf tea maker!!!!  That was so very thoughtful!

I was only gone from work today & I already miss everyone!  Glad I’ll be back tomorrow for Scripture Friday!!!!  Plus, my friend who really did 90% of moving all my stuff up is coming to visit me tomorrow night, seriously how blessed am I!?!

Oh- I saw this on Facebook yesterday & I really liked it so I wanted to share it with you!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Finding Muscles You Forgot You Had!

Happy Friday Afternoon!

Well, the move to my new apartment has begun!  This will make my commute to work much nicer.  Of course I have to actually move all my stuff!  Yes, I've pared down a lot but there are still LOADS of books and everything else to bring up carloads at at time.  Between trashing so much stuff (and the taking of trash bag after trash bag to the dumpster) and now moving bags, boxes & crates into the new place, I've rediscovered so many muscles in my lower back & shoulders...and NOT in a good way!  I am oh so grateful for heated seats in my car, definitely helps w/ the sore back!

Luckily a good friend who has a SUV has been bring up loads each day too!  Seriously, between her being taller & having a bigger vehicle we are making some serious headway! 

My students are always asking for an update on the move, which is very sweet of them!  Two of them even want to get me some Home Decor and believe me when I say, they have WAY better sense of design than I ever will have!  They asked about my color scheme...ummm...what ever is cheapest!?!?!  So yeah, decorating is not my forte, good thing I am surrounded by people who  are knowledgeable in so many different things (decorating, importance of expiration dates on food, and other crazy stuff)!

My home & dream is by this time next week I will have the overwhelming majority of things moved in.  Then in another week after that the furniture gets moved.  Bit by bit it is coming together!

Have a spectacular weekend!

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Out of the Mouth of Babes (well not quite that young)

What!?!  Is this correct, blogging two days in a row!?!?!  Yup, craziness I tell you, craziness!

Anyway, last night it occurred to me that in less than 48 hours (about 30 hrs now), I will begin to start bringing my things to my new place.  I'm nervous, excited & stressed.  Well one of my friends text me saying:

"You have so many people here to help, don't worry!  You're starting a great new chapter.  New job, new home...new tattoos!  God is lining you up to walk through some big doors he's opening."

That came from a 21 yr old!  I've known her since she was at least in 7th grade.  Through Scripture class, Mission trips in high school, leading retreats for the younger students & she's now a Catechist!  I'm proud to call her friend & we still go see movies when we can (& have clam chowder afterwards!).

You never know how other people will lift you up when you need it most.  God works through everyone, young & mature...we just have to be open to listening to God in all forms!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

True Friends

Good Morning & Happy Tuesday Everyone!

These past two weeks I've been consumed w/ purging 15 years of stuff from my apartment to get ready to move.  Wow, one really accumulates a lot of junk in 15 years!  Poor Tallula Belle is freaking out b/c she's not used to seeing Mom clean!  😼

I have found that I have some really good true friends throughout all this.  By that I mean these are the ladies who will not only continually come over and help purge, pack & clean but they won't let me rationalize keeping something I really don't need!  They are honest even if I don't want to listen.  Oh...and then there is the exploding can event!  You see  two of these ladies gave up 5 hours of their Saturday, (both have families of their own!) to help me a few Saturdays ago and when they got to the lower cabinet in the kitchen that was all canned food, I told them to just leave it b/c I would take it all with me.

That's when I got the "Mom" look from both of them.  They went to read off the expiration dates of most of the cans, you know 2011, 2005, 2007...you get the point.  As they are tossing can after can out, one of them stops and exclaims "I've never seen something like this in my life" and proceeds to pull out a large can of tomato sauce that had exploded...years ago.  Then she pulls a second one out!  Opps!  🙍.  That's when I get the lecture from both on checking expiration dates on a regular basis.  Yeah, that's going to happen.  I am not Suzy Home-maker, never have been, never will.

Having said that, I've had 4 ladies, one of which has come over almost nightly, to help out, giggle and share stories!  It's made a tough job (physically & emotionally) a lot easier!  Last night we started loading up vehicles!!!  I will start my move in this Thursday and my friends & I will bring vehicle loads of stuff each night until the furniture arrives on Feb. 15th. 

Enough cannot be said about true friends and I am eternally grateful for mine!

Friday, January 12, 2018

It's the Little Things...

Happy Friday Everyone!

This week has flown by!  I have many things up in the air, new things at work which is always exciting plus an impending move that seems to be happening quicker than I can get my head around!  All good things, but I stress over them all.  I want to do things as perfect as possible which we all know is unattainable, and yet we still try.

Anyway, for whatever reason quit a few of my younger students have taken to come up & give me a quick hug when they see me in the school hallway.  How adorable is that!?!  They do it at the end of class too!  Seriously, I would have NEVER and I mean NEVER done that to a teacher!?!  When I was a student I felt, "Are they even human"!?!

I was an intellectual snob since at least high school (science & math, clearly not grammar!!!!) so I may have held certain teachers/professors in high regard but I tended to keep to myself, which is still true today.

I was just so touched at how kind the students can be, It would have never occurred to me to do that as a student or to expect it as a teacher.  So it doesn't matter if my day is chaotic and parts unsettling, these students have a way to instantly make that all go away and put a huge smile on my face!

I really should make a point to let the students know just how such simple acts can really change a person's day!!

Have a restful weekend!

Friday, January 5, 2018

The Advantage of Reading YA books as an Adult

Happy Friday!

In the past 15+, I have been a Director of Youth Ministry, Director of Religious Education & Faculty member (Religion teacher & Librarian extraordinaire!!) for students grades 1-8.  I cannot tell you how much it has helped to read YA books.  Not only does it help to keep on the pulse of what teens are reading but it's a great way of relating to the students as well.

I can't take any credit for it either.  Jeepers, I don't even know how long ago it was but one of my students talked me into reading the Twilight series.  Yes, it's overly romantic but it was also a good teaching point on over-protective males are not always the gentleman that Edward Cullens was.  Often it's a red flag for relationship abuse.

Reading the Hunger Games & the Divergent series had strong female leads which was empowering but they also spoke to how dystopian books seems to be the rage at the moment.  What is happening in society today that we see young people relate so strongly w/ dystopian societies!?!

And it will be no shock that Happy Potter is just about everyone's favorite YA series.  The writing is impeccable and the underlying theme is that love is the strongest magic, the strongest connection we have!  There are so many ways one can relate the different themes in HP to the gospels.  Inclusivity, teamwork, standing up for what you know is right even when it's difficult, especially when it's difficult.  Knowing that their could very well be dire consequences for doing what is right & doing it anyway...proudly.  All gospel values.

I am so grateful that that one student talked me into reading some YA books b/c of it I feel I can reach students at a deeper level and help to relate scripture to them in ways I otherwise could not.

So, thank you to all the students who have taught me so much more than I thought possible!  You've made me a better person for it!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Radio Silence is Over!

Good Morning All!

It's a balmy 10 degrees here.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas break!  Personally I had a cold, that transformed into bronchitis & finally lead to the stomach flu.  While none of this was fun & was grateful that it was over the holidays when I could stay at home w/ my nursemaid T.  She took very good care of me.

It also reminded me of H. G. Wells, "War of the Worlds".  I'm sure you can watch it on Netflix or Amazon Prime.  Anyway aliens take over the planet and are devastating humans.  However after a week or so the aliens start to die off.  Why!?!  Because they've no immunity to "bugs", viruses, bacteria & what not.  So you see, getting sick is evolution's way of helping us adapt to all things around us!

Have a wonderful day!