Friday, January 12, 2018

It's the Little Things...

Happy Friday Everyone!

This week has flown by!  I have many things up in the air, new things at work which is always exciting plus an impending move that seems to be happening quicker than I can get my head around!  All good things, but I stress over them all.  I want to do things as perfect as possible which we all know is unattainable, and yet we still try.

Anyway, for whatever reason quit a few of my younger students have taken to come up & give me a quick hug when they see me in the school hallway.  How adorable is that!?!  They do it at the end of class too!  Seriously, I would have NEVER and I mean NEVER done that to a teacher!?!  When I was a student I felt, "Are they even human"!?!

I was an intellectual snob since at least high school (science & math, clearly not grammar!!!!) so I may have held certain teachers/professors in high regard but I tended to keep to myself, which is still true today.

I was just so touched at how kind the students can be, It would have never occurred to me to do that as a student or to expect it as a teacher.  So it doesn't matter if my day is chaotic and parts unsettling, these students have a way to instantly make that all go away and put a huge smile on my face!

I really should make a point to let the students know just how such simple acts can really change a person's day!!

Have a restful weekend!

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