Saturday, March 31, 2018

Tea, Easter & New Friends! Just oodles of random thoughts & images!

This is my latest find in teas!  I really enjoy it which I suspect means my students will drink my whole case of it before I get more than 3-4 tea bags for myself!  😊😊.  A small price to pay for building relationships!

Tonight is the Easter Vigil, when we celebrate & welcome new members fully into the Catholic faith as we rejoice that Christ has Risen!  This is the most important & most spectacular liturgy of the church year!  If you haven't been to one, I highly recommend it!

A good friend of mine gave me the orchid below.  It’s so beautiful and makes me think of Easter & Spring.  Of course, I tend to have a black thumb.  You know, the opposite of those who have green thumbs and can make anything grow.  I have the Thumb of Death.  So... I decided to bring in some additional support.  I ordered some orchid food sticks, which will hopefully give me the upper hand (or thumb as it were!)

So let’s hope I can not only keep this alive but help it to bloom more than once!  Any advice would be greatly appreciated! (Just comment as “anonymous” )

These are two lovely ladies who are on the Activities Committee with me in the new apartment complex I live in.  I had them over for tea this past Wednesday night and we had a lot of fun getting to know each other & our cultures.  Interesting to me is that both had arranged marriages and they’ve worked out wonderfully.  It’s such a difficult concept for me to wrap my head around.  Both are dying to set me they can go to an “American” wedding!  Hahahaha!  I keep trying to tell them I’m very happy single, thank you very much! But I must say I am so enjoying getting to know both of the wonderful souls and learning more about their lives & culture! They've been so kind to me, I can't thank them enough!

And lastly, Tallula has become a lap cat overnight!  I’m certainly not arguing even though I don’t know what brought it on!  She’s just too cute so I had to throw this image in here to wrap things up!  Happy Easter everyone!

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