Friday, March 9, 2018

Learning about other Faith Traditions

This week a number of students, teachers & I went to the North Shore Congregation Israel in Glencoe to learn about our Jewish roots and get a tour of a stunning synagogue.  I think sometimes kids (and some adults too) forget that Jesus was a practicing Jew.  The early church took a lot of its traditions and rituals from Judaism and it was wonderful watching the students realize the similarities and differences between how both worship.

It's a nice reminder that we all have much more in common with each other than we think.  And the differences we have are opportunities for us to learn from each other and reflect on what an amazing Creator we have! 

The apartment complex I now live in has a large Indian population.  I was asked by the administration to be the Activities Director for the complex.  So I work with a group of other volunteers to plan one social event/month.  Most of the ladies I've met are Indian and I've been having a wonderful time getting to know them!  Yet another way to expand my horizons and learn new things!

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