Friday, February 16, 2018

What a New post Two Days in a Row!?!?

Good Evening!

Two days in a row!?!  Absolute craziness!  But what the heck, live on the wild side!

I took this morning off to rest up a bit before going into work.  On my way to work I stopped off at a store to pick up a flash drive.  The check-out lady was so cheery, going on about the sunny weather and how happy she is...I was in awe!  It's freezing cold outside, and a million other things on my mind but this woman and her bright disposition made me pause and realize we really should be grateful for everything in life!  She made my day just that much happier!

Oh this is that super fancy tea maker I got the other day!  I'm excited to use it!!!
 OK, Happy Friday everyone- and a 3 day weekend no less!


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