Friday, February 2, 2018

Finding Muscles You Forgot You Had!

Happy Friday Afternoon!

Well, the move to my new apartment has begun!  This will make my commute to work much nicer.  Of course I have to actually move all my stuff!  Yes, I've pared down a lot but there are still LOADS of books and everything else to bring up carloads at at time.  Between trashing so much stuff (and the taking of trash bag after trash bag to the dumpster) and now moving bags, boxes & crates into the new place, I've rediscovered so many muscles in my lower back & shoulders...and NOT in a good way!  I am oh so grateful for heated seats in my car, definitely helps w/ the sore back!

Luckily a good friend who has a SUV has been bring up loads each day too!  Seriously, between her being taller & having a bigger vehicle we are making some serious headway! 

My students are always asking for an update on the move, which is very sweet of them!  Two of them even want to get me some Home Decor and believe me when I say, they have WAY better sense of design than I ever will have!  They asked about my color scheme...ummm...what ever is cheapest!?!?!  So yeah, decorating is not my forte, good thing I am surrounded by people who  are knowledgeable in so many different things (decorating, importance of expiration dates on food, and other crazy stuff)!

My home & dream is by this time next week I will have the overwhelming majority of things moved in.  Then in another week after that the furniture gets moved.  Bit by bit it is coming together!

Have a spectacular weekend!

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