Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Out of the Mouth of Babes (well not quite that young)

What!?!  Is this correct, blogging two days in a row!?!?!  Yup, craziness I tell you, craziness!

Anyway, last night it occurred to me that in less than 48 hours (about 30 hrs now), I will begin to start bringing my things to my new place.  I'm nervous, excited & stressed.  Well one of my friends text me saying:

"You have so many people here to help, don't worry!  You're starting a great new chapter.  New job, new tattoos!  God is lining you up to walk through some big doors he's opening."

That came from a 21 yr old!  I've known her since she was at least in 7th grade.  Through Scripture class, Mission trips in high school, leading retreats for the younger students & she's now a Catechist!  I'm proud to call her friend & we still go see movies when we can (& have clam chowder afterwards!).

You never know how other people will lift you up when you need it most.  God works through everyone, young & mature...we just have to be open to listening to God in all forms!

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