Wednesday, February 21, 2018

3 Cups of Tea

Good Afternoon!

There is a book called Three Cups of Tea.  I believe the full title is: 

Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace - One School at a Time by Greg Mortenson

I believe the gist of the book is how after having three cups of tea w/ another person you've become friends.  Well, there seems to be a sense of camaraderie brewing (pun intended!) with any number of my students!  They have discovered my tower of teas!  Yes that's right, I have so many different teas that I've stacked them as a tower!  I'll try to get a picture in this post if I remember.

They have fun picking out what tea they want to try & I get them hot water.  It's a fun bonding activity & I must say I'm impressed with how many males want to try some tea!  Shame on me for thinking it was a female only phenomenon!

In a sense these students curiosity as promoted peace & solidarity amongst us, and they're only 11-12 yrs old!  Wonders never cease!

Have a terrific rest of your day & if you have a chance, enjoy some nice herbal tea!


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