Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Radio Silence is Over!

Good Morning All!

It's a balmy 10 degrees here.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas break!  Personally I had a cold, that transformed into bronchitis & finally lead to the stomach flu.  While none of this was fun & was grateful that it was over the holidays when I could stay at home w/ my nursemaid T.  She took very good care of me.

It also reminded me of H. G. Wells, "War of the Worlds".  I'm sure you can watch it on Netflix or Amazon Prime.  Anyway aliens take over the planet and are devastating humans.  However after a week or so the aliens start to die off.  Why!?!  Because they've no immunity to "bugs", viruses, bacteria & what not.  So you see, getting sick is evolution's way of helping us adapt to all things around us!

Have a wonderful day!

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