Thursday, February 15, 2018


Good Evening Everyone!

Well today was the day!  It was a long build up & and even longer day.  Poor Tallula Belle, she had to be in her crate before the movers arrived and then stay in while they packed up all the furniture plus the ride to our new home.  Once we got there/here, I was able to let her out of her crate into the bathroom.  I had it set up w/ a well worn t-shirt on the toilet seat (so it had my scent on it), her water dish & her favorite blanket (that has HER scent on it).  Plus the litter box is in there.  Well after an hour of the movers getting everything in & where it needed to be, plus the Geek Squad setting up the new TV, I finally opened the bathroom door.  As you can see she walked up to me but then retreated to behind the toilet for several hours.  Then she hid under a dresser for another few hours & finally the bed.  She has just now (7:30pm) emerged cautiously.  Such a trooper!!!

I am especially grateful to the Geek Squad gentleman who when couldn’t get any over-the-air channels with the high tech digital antenna I got he tried 2 of his own his in vehicle.  They didn’t work either but it was really nice of him to try!

It will take quite a while to get fully unpacked and everything where I want it but that’s ok.  I have the time & it’s fun to keep my students updated on the progress!!!  One student even got me a house warming gift of a super cool loose leaf tea maker!!!!  That was so very thoughtful!

I was only gone from work today & I already miss everyone!  Glad I’ll be back tomorrow for Scripture Friday!!!!  Plus, my friend who really did 90% of moving all my stuff up is coming to visit me tomorrow night, seriously how blessed am I!?!

Oh- I saw this on Facebook yesterday & I really liked it so I wanted to share it with you!

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