Friday, March 23, 2018

Friends & Squirmy Worms!

Good Friday Morning!

This picture is of a Thanksgiving dinner place card from 2 Thanksgivings ago!  I have kept it as a piece of memorabilia of the evening & especially of this family whom are all good friends of mine!  The three children all went through my Scripture class & were involved in our high school Youth Ministry programs.  You bond w/ your kids when gone for a week on a Mission Trip!  Especially when all the females are sleeping on the floor in some other school's classroom for the week!  Their Mom has been a Mission Trip chaperone & now works at my former parish school where we would giggle together & share chocolates!

Why do I bring this up!?!  B/c, although I really like where I now live and the much shorter commute, it has been difficult for me.  I don't make friends easily, I'm pretty anti-social, preferring to stay alone at home w/ a book or any "Law & Order" marathon I can find on TV.  So I've been going through some depression at being so far away from the few good friends I have.  It took me 15 years to open up and make friends.  I was texting my friend ND the one who made the place card & the Mom in this family and she was so sweet!  She & her husband insisted I come over for dinner this past Wednesday!  I did and it was so nice to see familiar faces & get hugs galore!  Plus, the food was superb as always!  Oh, did I mention I got leftovers to take home!?!  Yup, pretty awesome!

I truly am blessed to have such caring souls in my life!

On to the Squirmy Worms!!!

Once classes end today Spring Break starts & I think adult & student alike are more than ready for it!  I feel a part of it is everyone gets a break from the normal routine.  Which I think is a good thing.  We all tend to fear change, but not all change.  It's good to shake things up once in a while!  Plus it's so nice to see everyone excited to spend time with their families!  In a culture of electronic devices, seeing everyone excited to break away and spend time w/ actual human beings is a wonderful thing!

And with that, I bid you adieu!


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