Friday, January 5, 2018

The Advantage of Reading YA books as an Adult

Happy Friday!

In the past 15+, I have been a Director of Youth Ministry, Director of Religious Education & Faculty member (Religion teacher & Librarian extraordinaire!!) for students grades 1-8.  I cannot tell you how much it has helped to read YA books.  Not only does it help to keep on the pulse of what teens are reading but it's a great way of relating to the students as well.

I can't take any credit for it either.  Jeepers, I don't even know how long ago it was but one of my students talked me into reading the Twilight series.  Yes, it's overly romantic but it was also a good teaching point on over-protective males are not always the gentleman that Edward Cullens was.  Often it's a red flag for relationship abuse.

Reading the Hunger Games & the Divergent series had strong female leads which was empowering but they also spoke to how dystopian books seems to be the rage at the moment.  What is happening in society today that we see young people relate so strongly w/ dystopian societies!?!

And it will be no shock that Happy Potter is just about everyone's favorite YA series.  The writing is impeccable and the underlying theme is that love is the strongest magic, the strongest connection we have!  There are so many ways one can relate the different themes in HP to the gospels.  Inclusivity, teamwork, standing up for what you know is right even when it's difficult, especially when it's difficult.  Knowing that their could very well be dire consequences for doing what is right & doing it anyway...proudly.  All gospel values.

I am so grateful that that one student talked me into reading some YA books b/c of it I feel I can reach students at a deeper level and help to relate scripture to them in ways I otherwise could not.

So, thank you to all the students who have taught me so much more than I thought possible!  You've made me a better person for it!

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