Thursday, December 21, 2017


Meet Tallula Belle!  I’ve had her for a good 5 years.  I got her from an abused animal shelter.  I didn’t realize that when I adopted her (and the adoption interview...Now THAT’S a hilarious story that I or Fr. Steve will share some day).

Anyway one thing I and many others have noticed is that with at least both dogs & cats they are very good at detecting when their owners (ok, cats OWN their humans- not the other way around, but I digress) are sad, happy or ill.  Dogs can actually detect cancer cells in research studies!  The nerd in me had to share that with you.

So this fragile emotionally closed off cat will follow me around 24/7 and demand to lay next or on me every time I’m sick.  My slight cold has turned into bronchitis, not terribly bad but very annoying, and it’s like she’s trying to play nursemaid to me!  It’s so adorable!!  Gives deeper meaning to the fact that the divine runs through us all!  Ok, last nerd fact for this post: all living things, plants, animals, microbes... everything is made of the same for DNA base pairs!  Talk about “We are all one body”!

It should be noted that when I hit up a friend for free medical advice, she is a nurse as her Mom, next thing I know she’s showing up at my place w/ loads of hot chicken noodle soup & I think she bought all the OTC meds she could get her hands on!!!!!  Now that’s pretty awesome too!

Happy 3rd week of Advent!!!

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