Friday, December 15, 2017


Good Morning!

We are quickly approaching the third week of Advent!  Sunday the 3rd candle will be light on the Advent wreathe, it represents Joy which is why we call it Gaudete Sunday.  Gaudete meaning "Joy" in Latin.

I gives me pause to reflect on the joys in my life.  The past 2-3 year have been particularly dark for me for numerous reasons but in the midst of that so many people have been there to hold me & minister to me!  They are truly "Joys" in my life, God working through them to journey with me.

Even now that I'm in a much better place spiritually & emotionally my friends continue to be there for me!  One family invites me to Sunday dinner every Sunday since August & is sure to send me home w/ several days of leftovers, another friend texts me at 2am sometimes saying "I'm craving breaded shrimp, come over & I'll make some and we can catch up!".  Sometimes it pays to have insomnia!!!!  I have a standing Friday "Girls Night" with another friend & her family.  Several former coworkers keep in touch which means the world to me.

See, in just a few minutes I was able to come up with oodles of people in my life that are images of God for me.  All we have to do is set aside our complaints, worries and negativity and we then find so much of the Divine surrounding us!

God is always reaching out to us, we just have to quiet ourselves long enough to listen & accept.

Wishing you a joyous Friday & upcoming 3rd week of Advent!

Plus, there are flurries outside now, so you know I'm giddy as a child!!!


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