Saturday, December 16, 2017

The Holidays as a peek into the Divine

Today, after a wonderful visit with four former coworkers I did a little shopping! I honestly have been too busy or too tired to do much shopping.  What I love about this time of year is how everyone is in a much more giving mood!  Strangers greet each other with smiles and hold the door open for each other.  Sad thing is why don't we always do that?  What prevents us for having  this warm and fuzzy feeling all year? This is where we stodgy adults need to learn from young children.  They are kind and smile to all!

I know we have to be careful about safety but what about taking true Hospitality more seriously and making it a part of who we are?  Greeting others with warmth knowing they too are the beloved of God.  Or maybe it's because we have a difficult time believing that we, ourselves, are the beloved of God and therefore can't live from that thruth much less pass it on to others!?!

Growing into the knowledge that we ALL are the beloved of God is something that is part of our faith journey.  We must first learn to love ourselves and know that we are utterly loved by God before we can pass that love on to all those we meet.

It's a journey but one we need to chose to embark on.  I do my best to do so but admit I have struggled at times...sometimes I have struggled a lot to believe I am utterly loved by God, but I am!  I/we also need to learn to love ourselves.  Only then can we pass that every growing love of God to everyone!

When we get to that point, we can bring the Holiday magic to the everyday all year long!

Wishing you peace, love & joy!

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