Monday, December 18, 2017

Breaking Down Barriers

Happy Monday!!!

Today I had lunch with a friend from the Turkish American Society of Chicago.  One of the things we spoke of was the importance of breaking down cultural & religious barriers.  To see each other simply as people not as Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindi and what not.  There is a great documentary called Beyond Our Differences that I highly recommend.  It speaks of how Sacred Scriptures is often twisted by fringe groups or individuals to further their own political or personal agendas.  How we need to look not at how we might be different but how we are alike.  How we all want essentially the same things in life.

Do you know what’s great about different cultures & religions!?!  It gives us the opportunity (if we take it), to see life & the divine from a perspective we may never have thought of!  It allows us to expand our world views and to grow as humanity.  We could dare to ask, “Why does your faith or culture do that”?  Not in a rude or mocking way but in a true inquisitive way.  In a way that says “I had never thought of it that way!  Now I have something to reflect upon.  Thank you”!

Seek diversity.  The more you seek it, the less diverse we become.

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