Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Life Around Us

Ok, so I'll admit I have no reason for this image other than I like it & I LOVE oceans!  As my parents can attest, as a child I would gleefully shout/demand that Jacque Cousteau was on TV (PBS of course)!  I couldn't pronounce his name properly as I was about 3 yrs old but my love of oceans has remained!

The more we learn about the oceans and what creatures live at different depths and how they communicate within their own groups is AMAZING! We know more about outer space than we do about our own oceans!  But for me, it is in the learning of how these different species live & thrive under great duress than fascinates me.  We think we are the pinnacle of life, yet it seems we are not as open minded to what we can learn from other species.

Then that takes me to, well what are we missing about understanding each other as humans?  We definitely have different groups who communicate differently with each other yet we try to help & understand each other.  But do we do enough?  Are we doing all we can to learn about, honor & integrate the best of all our differences so we can learn from each other & grow to be better images of God?  God created everyone & everything in the world, universe, multiverse- which means we are ALL the Beloved!  So how do we live that out to our best?

That is really the question isn't it?  For me, I suffer from extreme anxiety/depression, so I do yoga, I pray a lot (a LOT) and I not only use scripture but publications such as "Mindfulness" to help me find a balance in my life.  Granted, it's a work in progress, but growing closer to God is always a work in progress.

For me, learning more about life around us & trying to understand how these different lives work together helps me see God in everything.  Whether it be in the oceans, land or in the multiverse, there is so much God has to teach us about how to live & more importantly how to live & love all those around us.

This weekend I have the honor to meet up w/ some wonderful friends & share a meal.  I hope you will be with friends as well.

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