Thursday, July 25, 2019


There are times in life where everything is great & other times where you feel lost.  The one constant I have found in life are my friends.  They are there to support me when I am in a low spot and there to celebrate when things are going wonderfully.  I can only hope that I am there in the same way for them as well.

The tide will always come in & out & sometimes the seas are rough but other times they are bountiful, but the sea is always there (for now according to scientists!).  That is how I feel about my friends!  I have a tight knit group of friends who make sure we gather for a meal a few times/year to stay in touch & support each other.  Tomorrow I'm going to see one of my closest friends.  She has been there for me in my darkest times and is always supportive and encouraging!  I feel like I owe her so much more than I've given her.  But we are always there to listen to each other, to be silly with each other and everything in-between.  I have been blessed with having more friends than I realize.  I'm not the most cuddly or trusting of people, I often prefer solitude.  Yet time & again people reach out when I need them the most. 

Sometimes I just need to sit in silence w/ another being, knowing we don't have to speak- rather to just be.  Other times I want someone to laugh with to watch a funny movie or just giggle!  Other times I need to cry, maybe for a reason, maybe not.  Just to know I'm not alone as I tend to think I want to be but in reality I don't always want to be.

Be sure to reach out to your friends & let them know how much they mean to you!  Because mine- keep me sane... well, as sane as I can get!  :-)  For them, I am a very loved person!  How awesome is that!?!

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