Thursday, August 8, 2019

Controlling the Anxiety

Hello!  Well ever since I've had my new position I've overwhelmed.  It seems everyone wants me to "fix" whatever issue/problem they deem the most important & it must be fixed NOW!

I sort of want to scream, hang on, let me get my bearings straight & put some real thought into this before moving forward.  Haste makes waste, I've heard it forever but have learned/lived it the hard way.  It is so true.

My new position excites me & motivates me, there are so many possibilities.  But...let's do this right!

I actually signed up for an app/online service/community called Unwinding Anxiety where you have daily online lessons (very short) and exercises to do & journaling.  I am hoping it helps me cope & thrive under the pressure I put on myself.  And heaven forbid maybe learn NOT to put so much pressure on myself.

Amidst all this one of my colleagues & friends bought me the sweetest thing, it is a tea bag holder!  It holds 8 types of teas on one side & 8 types on the other & it is space efficient so it's just perfect for my new office which is much smaller than my previous one.

Sometimes we forget to see the good that others do for us b/c we are caught up in our own perceived issues (real or not).  I am truly blest to have so many good, kind people in my life.  I need to slow down & take account of how loved I really am.

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