Wednesday, July 24, 2019

New Challenges = New Opportunities

This image says it all!  I'm on a new adventure!  I was crushed & scared when my position as Religion teacher was eliminated where I work.  However, I was offered a new position (2 actually).  I am now the Director of Development & Marketing at the same organization as well as part of the Pastoral Staff at the Church therein.  Since I know computers & databases it has become more than I anticipated and it's essentially 2 full time jobs!

That's scary but at the same time it's exciting to be doing something new that utilizes parts of my education that I haven't overtly used in a long time.  Sure one MUST know how to strategize & market when it comes to running large programs & I do that quite well (not being egotistical).  It will take me some time to get a handle on things and get into a groove/pattern/schedule, but that's where the challenge/opportunity comes in!  To use my gifts in new ways, to continually be learning- I LOVE THAT!

Am I nervous!?!  Sure, I'd be silly not to be, but that is what makes it exciting!  I have been lucky that I work with so many nice people- that is truly a blessing!  I won't be able to see my kids like I did before but that's ok, just being able to stay in touch will be great!

It's been over a year since I've written on my blog and I hope to change that.  Writing this is cathartic and helps me see the good & the God in everything I do, you do, we all do b/c God IS in us all.  We are all the Beloved and this is my reminder not to take that for granted!

Wish me luck, pray for me as I pray for you!


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