Friday, September 13, 2019

Car accidents are No Fun!

No Fun!

Well as you can see my car was totaled almost 2 wks ago.  It was on Monday Sept. 2nd, Labor Day, that I was involved in a hit & run.  As I was turning onto my street at my apt. complex the car behind me smashed into me.  I saw them slow down then take off!  Luckily there were other witnesses who called the police & ambulance.  I spent most of my time w/ the paramedics but the witnesses gave their testimony to the police.

Admittedly it was a rough week, but in a weird way it was nice to have been so busy at work b/c I didn't have time to focus on it or have a pity party.  To this day I haven't cried about it.  No doubt I will... in time.

For now, I have a new car as this one was deemed a total loss and only good for salvage.  It will take some time to adjust & trust myself driving again.
I think what bothers me now is how little emotion I've been able to release.  I'm, always on guard for when the next shoe will drop & therefore don't let my guard down for a second.  Even though I know I need to to allow the emotions to run their course.  Between dealing w/ car insurance "stuff" & medical insurance "stuff"... none of which I am familiar with or understand, I feel lost.  I am very uncomfortable w/ such emotions, well ok, any emotions.  I don't know what's normal in these situations nor to I feel confident when purchasing a car.  They will always find a way to get you.

So clearly this has been a huge help to my nerves.  NOT!!!!  But I am doing the best I can.  I can see it now, at some random point in time, for no reason, I will start crying.  I won't know why, just balling my butt off.

However, this whole experience has taught me that I was SOOOO SOOO lucky!  I walked away w/ bruises & a sprained neck & left shoulder.  It could have been so much worse.  That is huge.  Plus, I really do feel sorry for whoever it was that hit my car & sped off.  That guilt is something they will have to live with.

To that end I AM truly grateful for not being as hurt as I could have been.  Tonight let's all be thankful for at least 2 things in our lives- even though there are many more things in our lives to be thankful for!!!


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