Thursday, October 3, 2019

Thank Goodness for Big Noses!!!

Yes that's me.  Having been a complete klutz and tripped over a folded long table.  I know, it really takes a special sort of ditziness to be able to do this, but well...I AM that special person.

Here's what I can tell you:  I was trying (apparently) to help set up for our big 5K event. yet I was able to mess my little part up.  Idiot.

Yet so many people came to my aid which was so immensely kind of all of them, especially my boss, the Principal.  He was the best!

Also one of the teachers drove me to the ER and stayed with me the whole time- how kind are they both!?!  At this point it's been about 2 wks out & apparently (grrr) I still have to wear these steri-strips to help keep the tissue closed, otherwise it could open up & make a worse scar than I will otherwise have.  Lovely.

I must say, I never would have thought that I was SO thankful for my Father's genetic background being Swedish & German (My Mom's side has German as well), b/c that gave me my big nose!!!  I was always afraid it would mean I would be forbidden from double decker (2 scoops) ice cream cones!  BUT b/c my nose is so large it took the brunt of the fall and did NOT break my glasses- which we all know cost way too much!  So yay to big noses!!

Right now I have no steri-strips on my nose, so that it may breathe.  But I've been told I have to be sure to sleep with them on so the wound doesn't open.  I am to only have the strips off 2 hrs/day- which is fine, I don't need to bleed all over the place nor do I want an ugly scar.

I have to say though, overall.. not that bad.  To that I am truly grateful.  I am also grateful to so many people who showed concern.  So kind of them.  I can't thank everyone enough!

So let's all be thankful to all those who help us out everyday!  Even better- let them know that you appreciate what they have done for you!  We all love that pick-me-up when people let us know how we have helped them, so pay it forward- thank as many people as you can!

Wishing you God's Blessings!


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