Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Zoo

Today is about uncontrolled chaos, otherwise known as 8th Grade Advisory.  I love my students more than they will every know but I can't get across to them the importance of proper time management.  I will say I do have about half the class actually doing homework & studying & the rest are blowing off steam by designing creative games to play since they are not allowed to use electronic devices.

Having said that- it really does show their creativity that they do come up with weird games to amuse themselves.  I'd love for them to channel that energy into reading in advance of whatever their assignments are...but then I was their age once too and there was no way I would have done that.  So I understand.

And a certain PF wants me to say that he is amazing.  So there, I said it....I'm not saying it's TRUE, but I said it!  😉

Enough of my chilins, they are crazy, insane but also have hearts of gold!  Ahhh, to be young again (& think you know everything about everything!!!)!