Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Ties that Bind

This is my favorite tea cup, it was my maternal Grandmother's cup & now that she's passed on it's mine.  I love drinking my tea from it b/c it reminds me of her & helps to keep all those wonderful memories alive.

The other day I text this picture to my Mom.  She replied back that she actually bought that cup for her Mom when she was a little girl!!  She said she & her sister would save up money from babysitting (back when 7-8 yr olds were considered old enough to do so!) and go buy these tea cups for their Mom.  Bone China made in England.

So now I have even stronger ties to this cup!  Which probably just ensured I'll accidentally drop/break it in the next week or two!!!  😉

On another topic, I still have yet to fully completely put my home office together.  It's a good 80% done but it;s just so so easy to simply walk past the room and look the other way, sit on the couch & enjoy watching too much TV or my Kindle!  Luckily two of my students keep asking me if the office is finished yet.  Catholic guilt sets in (not for too long it seems) and I say, "No, not yet."  However I asked them today to keep asking me about it so that the Catholic guilt really starts to add up and I get my bum in gear and get the job done!!!!  Yay to positive peer pressure!!!

It's Thursday, so Happy Friday Eve everyone!
